Tax Problems?

Tatiana Loughman, EA ChE
2 min readMar 7, 2021

An Enrolled Agent will take care of your IRS problems for you. If you received a letter from the IRS, it is recommended that you contact a tax lawyer, an enrolled agent, or a CPA right away. What is the difference between a tax lawyer (IRS lawyer) and an enrolled agent? A tax lawyer can take care of your tax court issues. An enrolled agent takes care of your IRS problems and tax problems on the IRS level. Tax problems don’t go away on their own. In fact, they get worse if ignored. “Tax lawyer near me” is a good google search option. “An enrolled agent near me” is an option that might save you money on the tax resolution services provided to you, though.

Don’t let the IRS take advantage of your hard-earned money. Review your tax returns with a tax professional. Some people think that not opening a letter from the IRS somehow magically constitutes not receiving the letter. IRS letters don’t work like that. Once they are in your mailbox, they are being mailed by the IRS. This means the IRS wants something from you. Don’t ignore IRS letters. Open it. Maybe they are writing to say that they love you and owe you money? Yeah,..right. I didn’t think so, either.

What to do when you received a letter from the IRS? You have options: taking care of it on your own (if you are a tax lawyer, an enrolled agent, or a CPA).

